Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday October 23rd Activity

funny carrots
We are having meeting up with the Young Men at the
and driving over to the North Logan Pumpkin Walk! 


We will be having hot chocolate and cookies at the church after! 

It should be a fun time! See you at 6:00!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Zumba Tonight at 7:00

Don't forget about out ZUMBA workout activity tonight 
7:00 at the Church
Wear tennis shoes and workout clothes! 

SEE YOU AT 7:00!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tuesday October 16th Activity

This Tuesday we will be dancing our little behinds off! 
Its a ZUMBA workout activity 

Meet at the CHURCH 
At 7:00

COME in Tennis Shoes and Workout Clothes
We want to you to be comfortable while you exercise! 


See you at 7:00


Welcome to your First EVER Young Woman Spotlight!!!

Its going to be really fun, 
All you have to do is check out our fun little clues and try and guess who this LOVELY Young Women is...
(Leave all your guesses in the COMMENTS of this post)

And I will reveal out MYSTERY Young Women next Sunday

1. Her favorite Primary Song is "I am a Child Of God"
2. She doesn't have a favorite Jelly Bean she thinks they are "YUCKY!"
3. She says she is "Sorta nice but only if people are nice to her first"
4. If she could go ANYWHERE in the world she would go to "St. Croix"
5. Her favorite Grab and Go meal is "Chick Fil A Nuggets"
6.She prefers Denim Pants to Dresses and like the Salt Lake City Temple the BEST!
7. If she could be any animal she would be "A Dog because they either have the best or worst lives but they can always run around and play Frisbee! :)"
8. She wants to be a "Zoo Keeper" when she grows up!
9. She didn't want to tell us her shoe size because she said we were being a little "NOSEY"
10. She is most looking forward to her "16th Birthday Cuz its like Totally Super SWEET!" 
11. She likes her room to be CLEAN not Dirty!
12. She likes to dance and even take a swing dance class!
13. She prefers COLORED socks to White socks
14. If she was stranded on a deserted island she would take " A survival specialist , who wasn't going to go insane or would leave me, Or my one true love 4eva! :)"
15. Her favorite sandwich is a "Wheat bread, cheddar cheese, roast beef and lots of it! With a toothpick holding it all together!"

There you have it 15 clues about out MYSTERY Young Woman

Don't forget to leave your guesses in the comments......